Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"We need proper nutrition to avoid lifestyle diseases"

If we say food we can imediately figure out if it is nutritios or not.Do you think all the food prepared by your mother is nutritious?It depends on your mother if she will prepare a food that there's no nutrients.If we eat nutritious foods like vegetables and fruits it can increase our life.Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes is very dangerous to our body.Many women sacrifice not to eat their breakfast,lunch or dinner so they can maintain their slim body.But that's wrong because you can have a slim body by eating nutritious food and have a prper exercise.You can also prevent diseases by eating nutritios foods.If we are healthy we can do all the things we want to do.If we eat nutritious foods our body will be strong and healthy.So what are you doing? Start eating nutritious foods now so you will have a better life.